Small companies usually struggle with getting the word out about their business. Because of limited budgets and time constraints, SMEs often cannot grow their client list as fast as they would like. One way to address this is by implementing search engine optimisation techniques. Here are four time-honoured methods SEO agencies use to build an internet presence that lasts.

Write in plain English

Keywords are vital to ranking in search results but don’t be indiscriminate about these. When writing your posts, refrain from using jargon or technical terms. Write to your ideal customers.
All of your posts should be variations on these two topics: your business focus, and why people should buy from you. Keeping your words simple will allow you to appeal to many readers since people prefer reading frank and straightforward narratives online.

Utilise title tags properly

The descriptive text that appears in search results is what you call title tags. These are crucial to your SEO efforts; write these properly and see the benefits on your rankings.
The title tag is one of the first things people see about your company when they search for related keywords, so it should make an excellent first impression. Companies that can create exciting or intriguing title tags will capture their audience’s attention and improve click-through rate.

Curate the homepage

Your homepage is the most visited portion of your website, so it should do more than list down necessary information about your company. Give people a chance to know you through your homepage; put an elevator pitch of who you are and what you do.
The homepage copy should have anchor text that links to pages that would help convert browsers into clients. Feature CTAs on your homepage—write phrases like “Apply Now” or “Give Access,” since these are more descriptive of what you want your users to do. A skilful digital marketing agency can help you find the right words for this page.
If your end goal is to increase the number of subscribers to your service, you can start with a link on the homepage to a case study of one of your best success stories. Then, at the end of the report, you can have another CTA that directs them to a sales page. Giving your visitors a clear journey through the site will also convince them to respond to your CTA.

Write for people, not algorithms

Although one of your goals is to rank highly in search results, you should not sacrifice your content’s readability for technical compliance. Always prioritise clear language and helpful content over keywords.
In the end, humans are the ones who make purchases. You might have the most optimal articles around, but if they do not appeal to humans first, you will still struggle with getting conversions out of your website.


A business owner cannot address all aspects of a company at once. To help your business grow, ensure that your digital assets are part of a system that leverages attention online. One way to do this is by applying search engine optimisation on your posts and your website. Let Clickscope Digital assist you with your online marketing needs. We are a digital marketing agency in Cambridge, helping businesses drive traffic to their pages and develop an online presence. Book a free 30-minute strategy session with us today to get started!

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