You asked. You shall receive. (We had a lot of requests for more clarity around the incredible results we generate so keep an eye out for more case study posts like this).
For this E-commerce client we have managed to increase their monthly revenue by over £130K a month just through Google Ad campaigns.
We are consistently turning around £3000-4000 of advertising spend into £130K – £190K in sales for them every month.
Firstly 👇
- Over 80% of sales are happening through shopping campaigns.
- The other 20% is search, smart and branded.
- This client was not running ads before.
Things helping us get these results 👇
- We make changes and optimise things every few days, we don’t just throw a campaign together and let it tick over or only check it every 14 days.
- We are constantly testing different ads, bidding strategies and campaign types to see what we can get to work best. There are so many different factors involved that testing and data will be your best friends for growth.
- We are actually using manual bidding on some campaigns as we believe it often gives us better control on CPC’s and has often led to us getting better results than automated strategies when we have tested them against each other.
- We stay on top of things like Google Merchant centre and do everything we can to make our ads stand out from our clients competition.
- We look at the full picture and what we can do to the website and backend to increase conversions as well. For this client we recommended for them to showcase more of their reviews on the actual website.
- We don’t just follow Googles ‘optimisation score’ as it often leads to poorer results when we have tested it out. Same goes for the ‘Google rep’ advice they try to provide to you.
- Our team combined have over 20 years experience with Google ads which definitely helps.
What are your tips for running profitable Google Ads ❓

We are an award winning digital marketing agency based in Cambridge!