The online space is constantly becoming more and more competitive and the majority of businesses have campaigns that are just ticking over and not driving the growth that they could be.
If you still believe that just throwing an ad out there or building a website / funnel is going to be a sufficient digital marketing strategy for your business in 2023 you need to seriously catch up with the times.
In the early stages of Google and Facebook it was easy to just put an ad out there and skyrocket your sales but times have changed.
With this in mind it’s important you consider these factors when thinking about your businesses online future.
Here are 7 reasons why your digital marketing campaigns might not be working or working as well as they could be;
Reason 1 – The messaging around your offer, product or service?
When you offer the same or similar thing to everyone else in your industry it can be hard to stand out.
You don’t need to completely revolutionise your business but how you talk about, market, package and sell your service or products is incredibly important.
Lots of business just shout about themselves and what they do without really thinking about the end user.
You need your messaging and content to resonate and appeal to potenial customers by addressing pain-points, wants, desires, needs etc
You can also utilise offers, packages, guarantees, discounts and tonnes of other things to do this effectively.
You can even just change how you ‘frame’ your service or products, we recommend conducting some competitor research for inspiration and also put yourself in your customers shoes, what would you most want to see in a service or product? What things could you implement to help you stand out and ultimately generate more business?
When customers start selecting competitors purely because of the price or their online reviews you end up getting into a difficult battle rather than just standing out and winning through your online marketing efforts.
It’s important to note the messaging might not be the problem but you might just have a poor or weak offer.

How technical SEO doubled this clients website traffic
Reason 2 – You are not tracking things correctly
A lot of businesses are still tracking digital campaigns inaccurately and sometimes campaigns are working without them even realising.
You should be using a mixture of customer data and analytic tools to enable you to see exactly where customers are coming from and what is actually driving revenue so you can optimise and improve accordingly.
Reason 3 – Your sales process outdated
This is one of the biggest mistakes we see in digital campaigns because generating a ‘lead’ is just the first step and what you do after this stage is incredibly important.
Lots of companies still use outdated sales techniques and customers don’t want to shop how they want to sell anymore.
****Read that again – ‘customers don’t want to shop how they want to sell anymore.’
How far is that person down the buying cycle? Where did the lead come from? What channel is traffic being generated from? How are you tracking success?
We could ramble for hours about this but fundamentally a lot of businesses have sales process issue and not a marketing or traffic issue.
Reason 4 – You are not investing enough time or money
Are you investing enough time and effort into your digital marketing campaigns, maybe you need to test new things out?
Stagnating digital marketing campaigns are incredibly common and you should be pushing and testing new things in the aim of constantly improving as just a small increases in a conversion rate can have a huge impact on a business.
You might also be spending too little $ or not utilising enough online channels that your customers are using (google, social media, etc).
Maybe the current digital agency you hired is not performing or your campaigns are just ticking over?

Revenue Focused
This client felt like they were on the back-burner and that things were just ‘ticking over’
In a few months we nearly 4X’d the returns they were getting from Google Ads whilst spending less (increasing both online sales and lead generation efforts)
Reason 5 – Are you creating demand or just trying to capture whats there
Maybe you already have great paid ad, social media or SEO campaigns that drive good results for you.
By using channels like Google in particularly you can target the demand already out there when it comes to selling your product or service (unless it’s new thing or something very niche).
BUT you can also create and capture demand through launching more TOF (top of funnel) style campaigns and content.
For example on Google you might be targeting decision and transactional based keywords like we do such as – ‘Digital Marketing Agency in Cambridge’ BUT you can also target keywords like:
’How to optimise PPC campaigns’
‘How to build SEO backlinks’
‘2023 digital marketing strategy’
This type of content can help drive more people that a further up the buying cycle towards you and granted not all of this traffic is going to convert into dream clients but it definitley helps.
The same can apply to social media where you might have some re-targeting or interest based ads running but what are you doing to create more demand and fill your sales pipeline with more TOF traffic & leads?
This topic can go super deep – look into demand generation if you want to learn more.
This is something we also help clients do by working with our partner video, design and influencer agencies.
Reason 6 – Your mindset
A bad past experience can shape your mindset on something for the rest of your life.
If you go into something thinking ‘this is not going to work’ then chances are it’s not going too. You will be less patient and ultimately you will put less energy and time into it which could cause you to make incorrect decisions.
If competitors are doing it (even if these competitors are much bigger or smaller than you) then chances are it’s working well in some way or another.
If you serve customers through a service or product then they will be out there…. You just need to know the best places to find them (Google, Social Media, Offline, Other websites, Youtube, the list goes on and on) AND how to market to them effectively.
If you need help with your digital marketing efforts then get in-touch with us.
We are a small boutique agency that works really closely with our clients. We specialise in SEO, PPC and Paid Social Advertising but also partner with other design, video and influencer agencies to help deliver anything and everything you might need for a high performing marketing campaign > Book a call
”"Insightful, responsive, exceptional results, especially with how quickly digital marketing evolves." - Shawn